September is National Preparedness Month - are you prepared for an emergency?
The Red Cross has three easy steps to become Red Cross Ready.
1) Get a Kit2) Make a Plan3) Be InformedWhat should be in your emergency kit? Supplies for your family to last you up to two weeks including: water (1 gal per person per day); nonperisible food; flashlight; battery operated radio; batteries; essential medications for one week; personal hygene items; baby or pet supplies; extra set of clothing for each family member; copies of important documents (like birth certificates).
What kind of plan?If your family is separated during the day and a natural disaster occured, how would you contact each other - do you have a meeting place? Is there someone out of state you could all call if cell phones here were down? Where in your home do you go during severe weather? Have you practiced this plan and what to do with all members of your family.
Be Informed you say?Yes! Know what potential emergencies may occur in your area. When severe weather threatens stay tuned to the radio or TV for watches, warnings, etc.